See a great fair-use or permissioned video online? Just copy
the link as if you wanted to share it with someone.
Paste the Link
As soon as you paste that link, we'll go to work finding the
best quality media. We also gather metadata about where it
came from, who shot it, and more!
Fix it Up
You'll get a preview of the content in seconds along with all
of the pulled metadata. Fix those pesky vertical videos, add
credit, and trim to just the clip you like. Here's where you
can add rights notes, or whatever metadata fields your team
usually uses.
Send it!
We'll take it from here. No matter what the source media is,
we'll convert it, map audio tracks, and compile the metadata
so that it's just the way your mam likes it. In seconds your
content is delivered on-prem and ready to be added to your
Capture the audience first. Own the story. Own the ratings.
More content more
revenue. Fuel your broadcast channels, website, and OTT
platforms with fresh content to keep your audience engaged and
increase length of tune.